Breast Lumps - KL Kuala Lumpur Acupuncture Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment |
Benign breast lumps- fibrocystic or fibroadenosis and Breast Cysts
What is a benign breast lump?
Most breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous).
Many women have lumpy breasts: many lumps or nodules that women find are areas of normal breast tissue which can become more prominent just before a period.
Breasts Lumps used to be called fibrocystic or fibroadenosis.
Two Common Causes Of Lumps are Fibroadenomas and Cysts
1) Fibroadenomas
These lumps are not a disease at all but a simple overgrowth of the lobules or the leaf of the breast tissue. They are most common in women under the age of 30.
Fibroadenomas move freely within the breast and can be felt by doctor and also ultrasound.
KL Kuala Lumpur acupuncture and herbal medicine is good for the remover of these Fibroadenomas.
2) Cysts
Cysts are smooth, mobile lumps and some are large enough to be seen through the skin. They may be painful.
A cyst can be diagnosed by ultrasound or by inserting a needle into the lump or by feeling by a physician. |