AUTISM Kids Herbs and Acupuncture Treatment
Autism/Autistic Kids Herbs Treatment in KL Kuala Lumpur Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Treatment |
Chinese Physician and Acupuncturist Chinese Master specialises in Treatment involving conditions related to the brain in young children, like autism and cerebral palsy; liver problems; and infertility problems.
Chinese Master's acupuncture technique with Neuro Acupuncture Herbal Medicine KL Kuala Lumpur in treating autism involve the use of needles to stimulate the proper flow of "qi" (energy) in the brain.
Neuro Acupuncture is a branch of Neuro acupuncture which requires insertion of needles on several points on the head. The needles are said to improve the 'qi' flow between neurons in the brain to improve communication, speech, behaviour and intelligence.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, 'qi' energy can be used to promote and smoothen the connections between neurons in the brain. Irregular connections between the thousands of neurons in the brain is believed to the affect communication, behaviour, speech and intelligence, In children, these irregular connections can manifest as attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism. To improve the connections, neuro acupuncture can be applied. This branch of acupuncture is a specialised field that requires needles to be inserted on the top of the head.
With three one-hour-long acupuncture sessions each day, interspersed with intervals of about an hour, the whole process takes more than five hours.When they (autism patients) go home, they are asked to take "Brain Powder", a concoction of special herbs ground to a powder, to be drunk by mixing it with any liquid.
All the parents of autism children agree that Chinese Master’s Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Treatment is working.
The younger they start the faster and better change of getting better recovery.
Thetole's way of Autism Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Treatment in KL Kuala Lumpur |
Some of the autism kids that is difficult to get near to 90% treatment is that they stared late on themselves more then 11 years old and some are too stubborn, but most of these Autism Kids still gets major improvement about 80-90% or so until they can get better living in their life. |